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The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) A free, 24/7 confidential service that can provide people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, or those around them, with support, information and local resources. The Veterans Crisis Line and Military Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 (Press...

The last four years have marked a shift in the university’s approach to providing mental healthcare on campus. If new hires are any indication of where...

The university’s Mr. and Miss Ole Miss, Tucker Fox and Savannah Smith, are using their platform on campus and partnership with the senior class to raise...

As he entered his first full semester as president of the Associated Student Body, Dion Kevin began to experience what can happen when mental health concerns...

“I’m going to make sure that his life will not be in vain,” Betsy Primos said in the wake of her son’s death. Truett Primos, a former student at...

Classes, relationships and identity struggles fill the everyday lives of college students across the country. The American College Health Association found...

I didn’t want to admit it for a long time. In fact, it wasn’t until I saw her that I was sure I was bisexual. I was even surer in the months following,...

The problem with trying to describe anxiety is that it’s completely and utterly indescribable. It’s that feeling when you’re sitting a little too...

With all the stress that comes along with being in college, maintaining your mental health is crucial. Nowadays, everything is at our fingertips, including...

“I listen to music, and I’ll watch a show that’s my favorite or that means a lot to me, something that’s close to me. I’ll...