A response to ‘Not the street preacher’s gospel. Are you sure?’

Posted on May 1 2016 - 6:40pm by Bradley Blaylock

I write this today not as a “good Christian” but as a totally imperfect, broken man who is loved by Jesus.

There was a noticeable difference between the students and the “street preachers,” and I’m thankful the article pointed this out. The fundamental difference between the “street preacher” and the students was love. The students were truly living out their Christ-like duty to genuinely love others, which is fueled by their love for Jesus. The “street preachers” clearly weren’t coming from a place of love. The difference between the two is glaringly obvious to anyone who saw them both.  

The article pointed out the similarities between the two messages saying, “The sign is just another claim that God only loves people who fulfill the requirements.” The article’s main problem with the students’ sign is that God’s love is conditional based upon faith; I agree.

The Bible states that God created everything, including man. Mankind sinned, and this forever altered human nature. From the point of the fall until now humans are sinful, broken creatures. The “street preachers” liked to pick out certain groups of people and call them sinful. However, this is not simply a problem for people who are homosexual, who have premarital sex or anything else the “street preachers” called out. This is a human problem.

The Bible states the penalty for sin is death, but look at it like this: If there was someone who everyone agreed was a great person and one day this person lost their temper and killed someone, this person will stand before a judge and say, “Judge I am a good person! I do good things for people all the time!” However, because the judge is just, he will say, “I cannot let you go. There has to be punishment.” The murderer will receive a prison sentence. This is the situation we all find ourselves in today. Dirty and clean cannot simultaneously exist, light and darkness cannot coexist, and neither does holiness and sin. God is holy. Therefore, God cannot dwell with sin. This is why the wages of sin are so high.

But, God is merciful and loving.

What if the judge looked at the guilty party and said, “If you so choose, my son—who is innocent—will take your punishment, and you can come and live with me and be my child.” That is the gospel. Our sin separates us from God, but through the blood of Christ we have redemption. By faith you can be saved! The article is spot on when it says that the “street preachers” claimed works was the requirement, but the “street preachers” were wrong. It is only faith that saves.

The gospel is offensive because salvation is not wanted until it is needed. It claims that we are sinful beings who are damned, but it also states that we can be reconciled. God is so loving that he wants us to be in community with him. We Christians share this message out of love.

Bradley Blaylock is a general studies major from Eudora.