Double Decker poster artist Pam Locke illustrates Oxford culture through color

Posted on Apr 28 2017 - 8:00am by Austin Hille

As the Double Decker Arts Festival further establishes itself each year as an Oxford institution, the poster art competition holds greater weight with each installment.

This year, Oxford-based freelance artist and graphic designer Pam Locke submitted the winning design for the official poster art of the festival, an honor she does not take lightly.

“I was really thankful and excited that it had been chosen,” Locke said. “I’m excited by the possibility of it being seen by everyone and it becoming a part of the whole Double Decker history.”

double decker poster art

Illustration by: Pam Locke

Locke said she considered entering the poster competition for many years, and this year felt like the perfect time for concept to meet execution.

“I have had an idea for several years, figured out how to get it all to gel, and this year, I finally came up with a good idea, so I submitted it,” Locke said.

After nearly 14 years of living in Oxford, Locke’s poster design prominently showcases some Oxford pride, attempting to display all the different things the community has to offer.

“My whole thought process was everything that emanates from Oxford,” Locke said. “It’s a way to showcase those things during Double Decker. I wanted to try and show that in the poster. It’s got everything flowing from the bus: art, music, food; it’s all flowing from the bus. The different colors show the different facets of those aspects.”

Locke has an artistic perspective of Oxford; she’s highly involved in the Oxford Artist’s Guild, an institution active since the 1970s.

“I’ve been in the guild for about seven or eight years,” Locke said. “It’s an outlet for several artists to get together and try to support each other and our work. We have several shows throughout the year that allow us to showcase our artwork.”

Additionally, the guild offers a variety of educational opportunities for all members, including topics such as copyrighting and protecting one’s work.

Although Locke primarily works in graphic design and illustration, she said she sometimes takes those techniques and applies them to different mediums, such as painting and water colors.

“I just translated that illustrative technique for graphics and painting,” Locke said. “When my boys graduated from high school … and I had time, I had to find something to do. With the encouragement from some friends, I just started doing some more painting. I guess I just like to make messes and cause trouble.”

For those who are interested in further exploring her work, the guild offers opportunities for that, as well.

“The guild just opened a gallery in February in Sugar Magnolia,” Locke said. “We just started doing that. I have several pieces there.”

Locke’s art can also be seen on her Facebook page, titled “Pam Locke Art.”