JJ Grey & Mofro to play at The Lyric

Posted on Apr 7 2016 - 6:45am by Alexis Neely
photo courtesy All Eyes Media

photo courtesy All Eyes Media

When it comes to labelling the music he makes, musician and Jacksonville, Florida native JJ Grey sometimes draws a blank.

“It’s kinda tricky for me, because it’s like being too close to something,” he said. “Like trying to describe yourself. You’re looking in the mirror and still don’t know what you look like.”

A producer he worked with eventually dubbed his sound “front porch soul,” a description with which Grey seems to be satisfied.

JJ Grey and his band Mofro will bring their soulful sound 8 p.m. Thursday at The Lyric of Oxford.

The band has played at The Lyric several times over the years; their last visit was about a year and a half ago. Grey said he always loves coming to Oxford.

“It’s a different world out in the middle of nowhere,” he said. “Mississippi is a lot like where I grew up. Oxford has its own flavor. I love Ajax Diner to get my catfish and greens and cheese grits. It’s a little oasis on the road.”

The band’s members may have changed over time, as some musicians move on to different gigs or grow weary of touring and being on the road, but the passion for the music remains the same. Grey and his current lineup have been playing together for about two months.

As the band prepares for Thursday’s show, Grey said he swears by the importance of rehearsing, but not too much. Instead, he said believes in leaning heavily on inspiration hailing from the night itself.

“I don’t like to go in and try to force an idea across or anything,” he said. “I like a show to ramp up and break down kind of like a heartbeat.”

And when the time of the performance arrives, what Grey loves most is the honest moment he gets to share with the audience.

“Nothing exists except that moment, that time, doing that thing with that show,” he said. “You’re not thinking about other things; you’re just doing what you do. I used to think of it as escapism. The longer time goes on, the more I realize it’s not to escape reality– it’s more to get to reality to escape my bullsh*t.”
Senior risk management and insurance major Shanna Nichols said she saw the band for the first time at last year’s Double Decker festival and was blown away by their performance. She has been an avid listener and fan ever since.
“I would describe their music as a blend of soul, funk and Southern blues– a great combination,” she said. “The reason I love it so much is because it is so soulful you can feel it down to your bones. That’s how I measure music, by how much it moves you, whether it’s from the lyrics, the instrumentals, the vibes, etc. JJ Grey & the Mofro definitely does that for me.”