Former students face court for 2014 noose incident

Posted on Sep 15 2015 - 11:26pm by DM Staff Report

Two former UM students will be appearing at the federal courthouse in Oxford today and tomorrow for their roles in the February 2014 vandalism of the statue of James Meredith, the University’s first black student.

The two males, Austin Reed Edenfield and Graeme Phillip Harris, have been implicated in the crime of placing a noose and former Georgia flag, containing a Confederate battle emblem, on the neck of the Meredith statue after a night of drinking.

Edenfield’s hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. today. According to federal court files, he will waive indictment and plead guilty to a criminal charge that is not indicated in the files.

Harris has been charged with the misdemeanor of using threatening force to intimidate black students and employees on campus. He has plead guilty and his sentencing will be Thursday at 10 a.m. He will face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $100,000.

The courthouse is located at 911 Jackson Avenue East, just off of the Square.