Grove essentials

Posted on Aug 25 2014 - 12:15am by Mckenna Wierman

The Grove: arguably the biggest and most legendary tradition of The University of Mississippi itself, a living entity all its own. The Grove goes through a colossal transformation between Friday night and Saturday’s game, tents and walkways springing where there was once only grass. It’s something to behold.

Coming from Dallas, Texas, and having never attended a college football game in my life, I woke up a bit nervous on my first Grove day. I had been told over and over again about Groving since my first visit to the university, and was a little worried it would not quite live up to the expectations.

But, just as one must take precautions and be prepared before diving into the deep blue ocean to explore the beauty of the coral reefs, one must also be as fully prepared to enter the Grove in order to experience the wonder of approximately 10 acres of tailgating. After all, what would be the point of exploring the Great Barrier Reef if you didn’t even have a scuba mask?

Rule One: Do not wear high heels. I am speaking from personal experience here. Wearing high heels is not only a terrible mistake, but sentences your entire body to a world of pain. Besides being killer on your delicate little feet, you will also find yourself sinking slowly into the Grove itself. I am almost positive I saw a woman actually swallowed up by the Grove last year during the Texas A&M game, when the Grove became mostly mud following some heavy rain. Besides that, walking in the actual football stadium will be more like practice for strolling along the shores of the Lake of Fire. Cowboy boots (or cowgirl boots) are always a cute alternative, as are regular boots, or flats. I would not recommend sandals either, unless you would like to ruin them forever. If you really must wear a heel, wedges will be your best option. Just please, leave your platforms at home.

Rule Two: Water. Drink it. It does not matter what else you put in your body, what other sort of liquids you wish to consume, whatever. Just keep a couple bottles of good ole H2O handy, especially when it’s hot. It’s hard to have a good time on gameday when you are sweaty and dehydrated.

Rule Three: Have a plan and don’t be shy. As much fun as it is to wander around in the seemingly endless maze of tents and tailgates in the Grove, it’s even more fun to have a little chair to rest your feet after you’re done doing all that wandering. Now, that’s not to say you must already have a tent all ready and set up special awaiting you at every game, but it is good to have an idea of what tents are where. Chances are there could a tent set up from your own home town that would be happy to welcome and share their platter of chicken minis with you.  The Grove is all about the Ole Miss community coming together to cheer on our team and share what we have with each other. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, meet some new people, and let yourself experience that famous Southern Hospitality. It’s a lot more graceful than stuffing your face with a handful of cheese cubes you stole off a platter at some tent you happened to pass by.

Rule Four: This rule is for those fortunate and generous souls who have tents. Food, cold drinks (or hot ones, in case there is another Polar Vortex in store) and plenty of chairs are all essential to a happy Grove tent. Luxuries like the giant plasma screen TVs, fancy Persian rugs or even lemonade fountains are always appreciated, too. And no proper gentleman of Ole Miss would be caught dead on a gameday without a cooler of nice, icy cold beverages nearby, with plenty of red and blue plastic cups to share. As I mentioned before, there is nothing good about a thirsty Rebel.

Rule Five: Your phone. Keep it on you, and keep it charged. Grove service is notorious for being kind of awful, but that is no excuse for letting your battery die. It’s easy to get lost or separated in the Grove, and having your phone on you will save you the time of awkwardly staring into the face of every person you walk past as you try and search for a lost friend. Besides, what if you need to take a picture of the Walk of Champions?

Rule Six: Be there for the Rebs. The Grove is pure bliss. It is SEC football incarnate, the living breathing body of Ole Miss. Generations of Rebels come together Saturday after Saturday, season after season, year after year to show their pride for their favorite football team, and to celebrate what it means to be a Rebel, together. So share what you’ve got with your fellow Rebels. Laugh with them, cheer with them, toast with them, and when someone yells “ARE YOU READY?” yell right back at them all together.

It’s football season, folks. The Grove waiting for you, nestled patiently in front of the Student Union. It’s survived hundreds of football games over the years, through rain and shine, and knows exactly how to handle what’s in store. For first timers, your first game day will be one you never forget. And for those veterans of The Grove, you know there is nothing else like it on this green Earth. The Grove is ready to see some action. Ladies and gentlemen of The University of Mississippi, I just have one question for you: Are you ready?

-Mckenna Wierman