Letter to the editor

Posted on Jul 15 2014 - 11:28am by Garrison Gibbons

I have to be extremely honest with you when I say I was slightly taken aback by the recent article in The DM called “Dear White Gays.” First, I would hope the editing department would be turned off by using such a title for an Op-Ed piece. Also, after reading the article, it came to my attention that the article was more about race than a letter to the gay white man. Though I completely understand the points she was trying to bring up, I believe the author approached the subject the wrong way. The article’s platform turned from an attack on the gay white man, and then shifted into an argument about race. After the recent racially charged events at our school, I completely believe that racial arguments should be made and brought up in The DM. But, after recent events such as Laramie, of which I was a part, I think it was wrong to publish an article such as this, which bashes and furthers stereotypes of a group on campus to which I belong — gay white men. To suggest that we all pretend to be black women, use Grindr, and hunt for a black guy to have sex with is crude and insensitive. Seeing as my boyfriend of three years is black, and a graduate of this campus — I also think it is inappropriate to blame racial problems on gay white men. That is a bit of a stretch.

At the end of the day, gay white men, though born white and a man, are not privileged. The events of Laramie and the conversations that ensued prove this. The recent bill passed in Mississippi proves this. The fact I can’t marry my boyfriend in Mississippi proves this. Though I was born into privilege as a white man, I was also born gay — thus, I have struggled. For The DM to publish an article that suggests otherwise and furthers stereotypes is not appreciated.

After all the progress The DM has made the last school year with coverage, I am deeply disappointed.


Garrison Gibbons is a Theatre Arts major.