Letter to the Editor: February 11, 2013

Posted on Feb 11 2013 - 7:36am by Lacey Russell

Dear Editor:

Yesterday morning, I discovered I had lost something invaluable, an Italian silver chain necklace with a crucifix pendant that had been my grandmother’s and two pieces of my late mother’s jewelry.

I have had this necklace always with me for the last year and a half.
Completely distraught, I spent the day trying to remember when I had last seen it, retracing steps, searching everywhere I had been.

Finally a coworker suggested I call UPD to check with Lost and Found.
This morning, an officer returned my call. I described the lost article—and they had it!
A Good Samaritan had found it near Bishop Hall, where I had been walking Monday morning, and had turned it in.

UPD could not identify this Samaritan so that I could properly thank him or her.
Thank you will never be enough to express my appreciation and gratitude for this wonderful good deed.

If you are reading this, please know that your act of kindness is far too rare in this world, that it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are and hopefully about many, many more of the people Ole Miss has on her campus.

I plan to pay it forward and hope that others will too.

Thank you,
Martha Dollarhide
University Employee