We made it, Rebs! Here are some summer anthems

Posted on May 3 2016 - 7:32pm by Alice McKelvey

This is it—we’ve reached the pinnacle.  After months of tears, laughs, studying and more tears, the semester is finally coming to a close.  Whether you’ll be exploring the Himalayas or just sitting in front of the T.V. this summer (or both), you deserve a rest.  So good job, whoever you are; you made it!

This playlist is meant to show both the excitement for the summer and the bittersweet goodbyes we’ll have to make.  Our senior friends are graduating and moving on to bigger and better things, and the rest of us will be one year closer to adulthood and responsibility.  We need to cherish these last days as we look forward to our futures.  

This makes a great studying playlist as well as something to listen to in the heat of the summer.  It’s a bit longer than the others specifically for that reason.

So study hard, fellow comrades, but remember to take care of yourself! Utilize University stress-relieving services and don’t neglect your body. Sacrificing your well-being for an ‘A’ should never be a priority. 

The 2016-2017 school year will have so much to offer. Though I’m excited for this summer break from classes, I’ll be eager to meet old friends and new in the fall and keep you all updated with all the music I encounter this summer.  Have a happy break, Rebs.  You deserve it.