Oxford homeowners rent homes for game weekends

Posted on Oct 3 2014 - 7:42am by Kylie McFadden

Senior Jordan Harris prepares to rent out her home for the Alabama Ole Miss game in Oxford, Miss., Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014. DM Photo | Payton Teffner

With hotels in and around Oxford selling out for home football games weeks—and often months in advance – many residents of Oxford have taken to renting their homes to weekend visitors in town for football games.

The price of weekend rentals can vary from a few hundred to thousands of dollars for Friday through Sunday, depending on the size of the home and its proximity to campus and the Square.

Kay Hightower, owner of Hightower Property Management LLC, an Oxford weekend rental company, said there is a vast range in prices for rentals.

“With my listings, the big SEC games can rent from $400 for a Friday to Sunday for a small pool house to $3,750 for an estate home or a house between campus and the Square,” Hightower said.

The Rebels’ opponent of the week also plays a major factor in pricing.

“The SEC games always bring in the most money,” said Oxford resident Mary Beth Smith, who has been renting her home for around six years.

A notable exception from the high-demand SEC game norm is the Mississippi State game weekend, which falls on Thanksgiving weekend.

“I’ve always chalked it up to the holiday weekend and families wanting to be together at home rather than spending a week out of town,” Hightower said.

Despite this, she said the demand for houses for the Mississippi State game is higher than she’s ever had.

A primary concern for homeowners is physical preparation for visitors. Preparing for renters often involves making sure one’s house is in good condition, which can end up being a lot of work, according to Hightower.

Jennifer Henry, an Oxford resident and third year renter, said her family’s preparation for renters involves making sure their house looks its best.

“I make sure we have fresh towels, make sure the yard is nice and clean and in tip-top shape,” Henry said. “I just want renters to feel at home.”

Beth Fitts, who has also been renting her home for three years, said the experience has always been a pleasant one.

“You meet some really nice people, and I’ve never found that anyone has been rude or disrespectful to my house or my belongings,” Fitts said. “I think in renting our homes, we get a chance to show hospitality to people from other places. I think it’s a great way to show that Oxford is a welcoming town, to Ole Miss fans and to visitors.”

As positive an experience it can be, there will always be a handful of rowdy renters that can cause major damage, as Smith has witnessed after one weekend’s rental.

“When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed tire tracks in my yard around the trampoline, the water hose out by the trampoline and tons of beer cans all around,” she said. “For the most part, everyone is very respectful of my home and our things.”

Hightower Property Management LLC’s rental agreement contains a damages clause, requiring renters to pay for any intentional or accidental damages. However, Hightower said there have only been a handful of incidents resulting in damages.

“I make every effort to get to know something about the renters and engage with them,” she said. “I believe that the personal contact creates an atmosphere of accountability. Plus, the overwhelming majority of renters are just folks like us who want to come enjoy the weekend and need a place to stay.”

There are several rental companies throughout Oxford that are primarily active throughout football season and in the spring before graduation.

Kylie McFadden