Rebels React: Superbowl XLIX

Posted on Jan 30 2015 - 10:04am by Logan Kirkland and Maggie McDaniel

Aubrey Jones Freshman-Undeclared

What are are you looking forward to about the Super Bowl?

-“I like Super Bowl day”

What is your favorite thing to eat while watching the Super Bowl?
– “Tostitos multigrain scoop chips with seven layered dip”

-Who is going to win?
-“The Patriots, because I am from Rhode Island”

-What Super Bowl commercial are you looking forward to?
-“The Go-Daddy one, but it was cancelled”

-Will Tom Brady deflate the football?
-No, I don’t think so that would be rude.”

What has been the best Super Bowl halftime Performance ever?
-Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction



Darby Mills  Freshman-Accounting

What are you looking forward to about the Super Bowl?
-“The commercials”

-Who is going to win?
-“Who else is in the Super bowl?”

What is your favorite thing to eat while watching the Super Bowl?
– “My dad’s homemade spicy cajun barbecue wings”

-What Super Bowl commercial are you looking forward to?

-Will Tom Brady deflate the football?
-“Yes, because they think he will, so he won’t”

What has been the best Super Bowl halftime Performance ever?



Zach Cain Junior-Accounting

What are you looking forward to about the Super Bowl?
-“Beer and food”

-Who is going to win?
-“Seahawks, because they are a better team.”

What is your favorite thing to eat while watching the Super Bowl?
– “Hot wings, i could eat 25 small ones”

-Will Tom Brady deflate the football?
-“Tom won’t because he already got caught, but if he could he would bite it.”

What has been the best Super Bowl halftime Performance ever?
-The Who




Tavarius Sharp  Sophomore-Criminal Justice


What are you looking forward to about the Super Bowl?
-Marshawn Lynch’s running game

-Who is going to win?
-Seahawks, they have a good offense and defense that work together

What is your favorite thing to eat while watching the Super Bowl?
– Rotel dip

-What Super Bowl commercial are you looking forward to?
-Beer commercials

-Will Tom Brady deflate the football?

What has been the best Super Bowl halftime Performance ever?
-Janet Jackson




Andrikus Ezell Freshman-Criminal Justice


What are you looking forward to about the Super Bowl?

-The Game itself

-Who is going to win?
-“Patriots, they are on fire and Tom is looking for another ring”

What is your favorite thing to eat while watching the Super Bowl?
– Mild buffalo wings, they go with everything

-What Super Bowl commercial are you looking forward to?
-“Coors beer commercials”

-Will Tom Brady deflate the football?

What has been the best Super Bowl halftime Performance ever?