Residential College rebranding to create humanitarian community

Posted on Apr 1 2014 - 7:03am by Chekarey Hailey

FILE PHOTO (PHILLIP WALLER) | The Daily Mississippian
Residential College South leaders are currently rebranding the Residential college community

Leaders of the Residential College South residence hall are in the process of rebranding the current image and purpose of Residential College community.

While the Residential College has served as a home for both athletes and scholars, Senior Faculty Fellow Marvin King said he plans to brand the dorm as an exclusive residence for scholars and humanitarians.

“I want to make this a model residence hall,” King said. “We work hard. We want good grades and good people. (We want) to create an atmosphere to attract those kinds of students.”

King took his current position last year and oversees operations at the RC. King said he is wasting no time to begin his quest to achieve a humanitarian residence hall. Beginning in the fall of the 2014-15 school year, all students living in the Residential College will be required to have eight service hours a semester as part of the “ethos” policy.

“We are trying to establish an interactive community, one that has to interact and engage with each other and give back,” King said.

King, along with his student-run committee, has created several clubs for the dorm’s residents. The clubs cater to various interests, including cooking and gardening. These clubs also help to provide students with leadership opportunities.

While the majority of Residential College residents are accepted as freshmen, they have the opportunity to live in the Residential College for eight semesters. King said he feels that having an upperclassman population allows the dorm to maintain a mature and positive atmosphere. In the upcoming 2014-15 semester, seniors with the highest GPAs will be allowed to tutor freshman residents as part of their community service hours.

King and the committee purchased a piano that was formerly in Crosby Hall. The purpose of the piano is to encourage students and music majors to give them new learning opportunities. King partnered with the director of Volunteer Oxford to help educate and encourage Residential College residents to give back to the community. King said he created this partnership as a way to help students who need suggestions for community service ideas.

Many of the activities and events held by the Residential College are budgeted through the provost’s office. A portion of the money is given to the Residential College student committee to help purchase items the residents need and would enjoy.

RC Community Assistant Lindsay Wencel said she is in full support of the changes that are being made.

“I feel the changes will make this a more desirable place to be,” Wencel said. “King has made some really awesome changes.”

-Chekarey Hailey