Senior election results announced

Posted on Apr 10 2013 - 2:52pm by Hawley Martin

The senior class election results were announced Tuesday night on the steps of  the Lyceum.

Matthew Kiefer, a public policy major, will serve as next year’s senior class president. He ran unopposed.

“It means a great deal that my peers would elect me to represent them and to pick the senior council and to move forward with trying to decide what we are going to do for the senior gift,” Kiefer said. “It just means a lot to me.”

Kiefer said that he plans to lead a team to present a top-notch senior gift.

“I want to get a really creative gift together, something that’s not necessarily one of the things that’s been done in the past few years and raise a little more money, so we can get something that lasts; when we come back with our kids, maybe we’ll be able to see it and enjoy it,” he said.

Brittani Acuff, a broadcast journalism major, won the vice president position by 62.3 percent.

“I’m very excited about it because our class gets to leave a legacy with this council, and we get to pick the senior class gift, and our class is a spectacular class that has done a lot. We were the biggest class to come in (in 2010), and (we’ve) done a lot. I think we’re going to make a big splash next year,” she said.

As the vice president, Acuff hopes to improve camaraderie within the senior class.

“Well, I hope to make communication with our class a little bit smoother than it’s been in the past couple of years and to make sure that the seniors know what’s going on so they feel like (a part) of the university as a whole,” he said.

Graham Williams, an accounting and public policy leadership major, won the secretary/treasurer election, receiving 95.16 percent of the vote.

“It’s an honor, and I’m excited to be able to serve my class next year. I hope I can do the best of my ability and that we can leave a legacy with the school that will be seen for years to come,” he said.

Williams also said he plans to help Kiefer and Acuff however he can.

“I want to do my job to its maximum capability, and whatever Matthew Kiefer and Brittani Acuff need, I will do,” he said.