Short reads for a short break

Posted on Mar 7 2014 - 9:03am by Samantha Abernathy

For many people, this spring break is going to be something to remember. Whether you are a freshman spending spring break with your friends for the first time or a senior who simply wants to enjoy your last spring break chilling out in Oxford, you are all pretty much excited to not be doing school work for an entire week.

A downside to this timely break is the weather. Unless you are going somewhere that the weather will be accommodating at all times, you may need something to get you through the cold that is so last month. Even if you don’t, what’s better than a good book on the beach?

Here’s a list of short reads that will get you through the day and some that will even get you through the week:

-”The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” by Agatha Christie – I recently read this book in a class, and, though I was initially skeptical, I quickly learned the error of my judgement. This mystery is a must read because it will definitely have your jaw on the floor by the time you finish it (unless you are some kind of super detective). This book may look slightly long to non-readers, but once you start reading it, you will not put it down.

-”The Unknowns” by Gabriel Roth – This novel is a recommendation from Megan Abbott, this year’s Grisham Writer in Residence. A seemingly different twist on a love story, both the romantics and the tech savvy will enjoy this novel about a young tech wiz who falls in love. Abbott found this novel to be “extremely funny and very moving.”

-”David and Goliath” by Malcolm Gladwell – For all of the non-fiction readers on campus, this book is definitely a must-have, not only for the break but also for life in general. It is not the shortest beach read, but it is definitely an extra pick-me-up.

-”The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks – Just in case you don’t get enough from Nora Roberts, it’s always great to pick up a book by Nicholas Sparks. This book, like most of Sparks’, is a tear jerker but another must-read if you are looking in the romance section of the bookstore. There’s nothing like a great twist on the “different sides of the tracks” love story.

-”Gravesend” by William Boyle – For all of the crime lovers, this novel is sure to keep you busy and engaged during the week. A story about the search for revenge, the truth and self-discovery, this novel will keep you wanting more. Abbott called it “a dark, utterly captivating crime novel that holds you from cover to cover.” Plus Boyle is an instructor here at the university, making it doubly worth your time.

These are just a few books that you should pick up during spring break. Of course there are a lot more to choose from, but these are great starting points for those of you who are not sure what to read. Whether you are in the mood for a romance, crime and mystery or non-fiction, keep in mind that a novel is always a great way to pass the down time.


Samantha Abernathy