The title “Tickled” sums up the entire movie pretty well: “It’s not what you think.” The opening of the movie lays the peculiar foundation of...

Remarkable Oxonian and creator of “Endo What?,” Shannon Cohn, has lived from coast to coast, but nothing hits closer to home than the battle...

“Small Town Gay Bar,” a 2006 documentary that tells the story of two gay bars in Mississippi and the communities that convene there on weekend...

This weekend, filmmakers, actors, producers, directors and, of course, film buffs, will fill up theaters in Oxford for the 14th annual Oxford Film Festival. Headed...

“The South in Color: A Visual Journal” encapsulates William Ferris’ experience living and learning through life in Mississippi. His...

Scene of a drunk freshman as seen in the documentary “Behind Campus Walls.” In August, Foreign Policy profiled a 2010 Iranian documentary produced...