The Mississippi Federation of Republican Women’s First District Conference officially pledged their support to Republican Presidential nominee Donald...

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will visit Mississippi Monday, just before the state primaries open Tuesday. These will be only the second time both  candidates have campaigned in the state. Trump, who won 319 delegates and seven states in the Super Tuesday primary, will hold a rally at 7 p.m. at Madison Central High School. Doors will open...

Bernie Sanders is enjoying a huge surge nationwide and just won the New Hampshire primary by 20 points. Donald Trump has become a political rock-star who won New Hampshire by almost 20 points. Despite seeming like polar opposites, Trump and Sanders share a common trait: they’re tired of the status quo. Trump attracts disgruntled blue collar workers and fervent, if not...

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders rode a wave of voter frustration with American politics to commanding victories in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primaries, adding crucial credibility to their upstart candidacies. Sanders swept majorities of men, women, independents and young people in his win over Hillary Clinton, but faces...

“I would bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring a hell of  a lot worse than waterboarding.” Saturday night at the latest Republic primary debate, Donald Trump announced his whole-hearted support for waterboarding and more. Despite the fact that it is considered torture by the United Nations, an uncountable number of legal experts, military judges, veterans and...