I have long dreaded this day. I was hoping that it wouldn’t come, but it’s here. It’s time to don our tinfoil hats, because it looks like that crazy...

Last week millions forgot to be thankful for something that is uniquely American. That is the freedom of speech. The freedom to express your opinion is...

The university has created a response team to help handle student protests and first amendment rights on campus. The Demonstration and Assembly Response...

If you have been anywhere near a television, cell phone, or computer that past few days, chances are you have heard or seen a man named Ken Bone. The mild-mannered Shiloh, Illinois resident was thrust onto the national scene last Sunday night when he was selected to ask a question in the second presidential debate to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. While Bones’s...

(Illustration by: Jake Thrasher) ...

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly states that the freedom of speech is an inalienable, constitutionally protected right....

The oft-repeated phrase “political correctness” has become the death knell for meaningful debate within American society. The P.C. madness sweeping...