In the wake of mass shootings such as the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, the Aurora theater shooting and the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, debates about gun control have come to surface once again. There has been a focus on mental health research and awareness as a means to combat violence. Both sides see an increase in research as a good thing, but anti-gun...

Valentine’s Day is approaching. You can’t go to Walmart or turn on the TV without being bombarded by messages of love. But what is it? How do we attain it? Love is a verb. God is love. All you need is love. We talk about love a lot; we’re constantly seeking it. It’s what every musician is singing about, what every writer is writing about. It is so often what motivates...

If you attended a public school at any point in your life, you’ll more than likely remember the food served in the cafeteria. I only attended public school for first through third grade and still have the distinct memory of the rice served. I described it to my mother as being stuck together like Rice Krispies Treats. It could also be described as “gross.” While...

For rape to be such a difficult subject, we’ve been talking about it a lot lately and with very little reverence or respect for the people who are victims. We all remember Todd Akin’s statements about “legitimate rape” and how the female body has a way of “trying to shut that whole thing (pregnancy) down.” Most of us hoped no one else...

At former President Bill Clinton’s Clinton Global Initiative this past Tuesday, President Obama said, “Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can’t just pass by, indifferent. We’ve got to be moved by compassion. We’ve got to bind up the wounds.” And for the first time in a while, politicians weren’t placing a...

The concept of our lives being stories has been haunting me lately. I keep coming across it in conversation, in class and in books. The idea is basically that our lives are telling a story whether we realize it or not. In his book, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” Donald Miller decides that what makes a good story also makes a good life, and I think I...