Photo courtesy: Julian Randall Master of Fine Arts candidate Julian Randall was awarded the 2017 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, which honors “exceptional...

Derrick Harriell’s “Stripper in Wonderland.” Courtesy: “Stripper in Wonderland,” Derrick Harriell’s third poetry...

When it comes to weight, we are a nation of extremes. Childhood obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Mississippi is the unhealthiest of them all, particularly impoverished African Americans in the state struggling to make ends meet and put dinner on the table. Unfortunately, poverty and healthy groceries do not go hand in hand. Yet...

Yesterday morning, a gunman went on a chaotic shooting spree in Southern California, killing four people, including himself, and injuring two. How many of you know about this shooting? As I was perusing my daily news sources, it struck me by how casual the news story seemed, shoved between a beer brewery story and a piece about a British man dying from a SARS-like virus....

Apparently gay marriage is still an issue. Maybe I’m being obtuse, but I don’t see the problem with it. My main question is, does this affect you in any way? Does the gayness of one individual impede on the liberty of another? Unless being gay means exclusively violating the rights of others, which it doesn’t, then I’m at a loss as to why anyone would have an issue...

Ladies, let us think back to the last time a boy we didn’t know asked for our number and then politely called, or complimented our outfit or bought us a drink. What about the last time even a familiar acquaintance did that? Think hard about the last time it happened, if it’s ever happened, and then think about how many times it’s happened overall in the span of your...