Photographer and UM alumna Jaime Aelavanthara is set to lecture at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the University of Mississippi Museum and will return the following...

Stepping out of my car, the first thing I noticed was how empty the museum parking lot was. Only two other cars had parked at the Bailey Woods trail head....

In one of the most powerful and telling images of the civil rights era, a white teenager angrily shouts at a black teenager clutching a textbook to her...

When you begin to hear voices, it’s often best to see a psychiatrist, but when award-winning poet Ann Fisher-Wirth heard voices while looking at...

The Meek School of Journalism and New Media will host Pulitzer-prize winning photojournalist Bill Frakes at 11 a.m. Thursday in Farley room 125 to enlighten...

Art is seen displayed at the Ole Miss Motel as part of a previous One Night Stand Motel art show. Photo courtesy: Erin Austen Abbott. Visit Ole Miss Motel...

“The South in Color: A Visual Journal” encapsulates William Ferris’ experience living and learning through life in Mississippi. His...