This is the first in an occasional series about the lives of Muslims in the state. Today, we profile a UM professor who excels in male-dominated science...

The University is preparing to host its inaugural Lavender Graduation to honor LGBTQ students for their achievements. The event will place on from noon...

On Tuesday, freshly-inaugurated Associated Student Body President Austin Powell has vetoed a ticketing bill aimed at diversifying student leadership that...

The Office of Health Promotion offers things such as petting dogs, games and more for stress relief leading into finals. Students played with Lena, the...

“Everyone knows not to mess with this guy. You don’t even buy drugs from him unless you’re hardcore. The cops had me crack him because they knew...

Amanda Bohl and Beatrice, her service dog and companion, battle Bohl’s panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia and dizziness on a daily basis. But that...

The Associated Student Body passed a bill promoting an amended election process, which aims to establish an optional ticket system to promote diversity...

Courtesy of Ole Miss art department A furnace provided a humming wall of sound as more metal scraps were added to it. The helmeted and suited teams then...

The Office of Student Disability Services is raising awareness on campus in commemoration of Disability History and Awareness Month. Jennifer Stollman,...

Max Robert Miller Jr., known to students and coworkers as “Captain Max,” was the cooperative education program manager at the University of...