Word on the street: What’s up with Everybody’s Formal?

Posted on Sep 30 2016 - 8:01am by Devna Bose


“I think it’s a great way to make everyone feel like they’re a part of this campus.”

Jasmine Shepard, a freshman biology major from Cleveland.


“I probably won’t go just because I didn’t bring formal wear with me to school.”

Myron Evans, a freshman computer science major from Jackson.


“No, I’m not going because I’m going out of town. I definitely wish I could, though. I feel like at campus events, I make so many great new friends, and I really don’t have other times that I can unless it’s an event ASB puts on. They’re always so much fun.”

Lila Burton, a sophomore chemical engineering major from Jackson.


“I think that’s it’s a good idea for people who aren’t in fraternities or sororities. They get to experience the whole formal thing, too.”

Sabyius Boggan, a sophomore IMC major from Philadelphia.



“I’m not planning to go because it’s just a lot of people in one place and that’s really not my thing.”

Madison Varner, a sophomore art major from Brandon.