New year, new beginnings: How to make 2018 your best year yet

Posted on Jan 5 2018 - 10:04am by Jordyn Smith

As 2018 starts, the resolutions, planning and expectations for the new year rapidly spiral out of control. As everyone begins to embark on those new year resolutions, the most important aspect of the new year is to start it positively.

Take time to reflect on 2017

A new year means many things, but mostly it is a chance to reflect on the past year and look at areas you can improve upon in the upcoming months ahead. 2018 is a year for creating change and new beginnings. What did you accomplish that you’re proud of?  Realize what worked for you and what didn’t. Maybe studying the night before a test worked last year but it isn’t as good of a strategy for the harder classes you have to face this semester. Make note of these little things and plan ahead in order to ensure a stress-free semester.

Get organized

One of the best ways to start the new year on a good note is to get organized early. A new year also means a new semester. Think about your class schedule, order books ahead of time, and be ready to start the school year on the best foot possible. Getting a planner not only provides structure on what plans you have in the next year but also ensure you don’t miss out on any details.

“Using my planner weekly has been of one of the most successful tools for me during college,” senior English major Gina Iozzo said. “It helps me keep track of not only school assignments but also helps me balance my different organizational commitments and social life.”

Getting organized is one of the easiest and best ways to begin your new year right. Organization ultimately leads to less stress, which all college kids could use less of in 2018. Even if the new year throws you some curveballs, having a plan ahead of time will allow smooth sailing no matter what obstacles come your way in 2018.

Set goals

Another tip for a productive 2018 is to set goals. Whether it’s losing 10 pounds before spring break or striving for that 4.0 GPA spring semester, writing down your goals for the new year can serve as a helpful reminder. No matter how big or small, it is imperative to have something to strive towards during the new year ahead. Having a tangible list of things you hope to accomplish in the upcoming year is a great way to identify what you hope to achieve. Writing down your goals also helps as a useful tool throughout the year, you can check off the goals you meet and be reminded of the things still left to do.

Have an accountability buddy

However, even writing down what you hope to accomplish doesn’t always mean you will get it done. That is why having an accountability buddy who is as dedicated to the same goals as you will help you complete them together in no time. Find someone to help you to have the most successful year possible. A friend to hold you accountable for your weekly workout classes together or even a roommate helping make sure you go to that one class you always want to skip. Having a friend not only makes it more fun but also ensures you’re more likely to do it.

Focus on positivity

Lastly, remember the power of your thoughts this 2018. Your thoughts control your life and thinking positively has the ability to impact your life in unexpected ways. Think positively about yourself, your future and the year ahead. Take time to remind yourself how awesome you are, how much you can accomplish and how much there is to look forward to in 2018.