UM kicks off Creed Week

Posted on Sep 9 2014 - 1:38pm by Katelyn Miller
Freshman Madison Greer, from Cleveland, Miss., signs the Creed Book in the Union at the beginning of Creed Week Monday. (DM Photo/Kayla Beatty)

Freshman Madison Greer, from Cleveland, Miss., signs the Creed Book in the Union at the beginning of Creed Week Monday. (DM Photo/Kayla Beatty)

Monday marked the beginning of The University of Mississippi’s second annual Creed Week.

The first day’s events began with a speech from Associated Student Body President Davis Rogers, in the Union Plaza at 1 p.m. Immediately afterward, the Creed Week Book was available in the Union for students to sign, pledging their support to uphold the ideals of the Creed.

In his introduction speech, Rogers read the Creed aloud and led the signing of the Creed Week Book. Rogers wants the university to know the importance of Creed Week.

“The ultimate goal of Creed Week is to allow students to truly understand the importance of the creed and the inspiration behind its creation,” Rogers said.

Creed Week will continue this week with events that include a lecture from Athletic Director Ross Bjork at the Ford Center, which will address the Creed in relation to collegiate athletics, social media and essay contests and a closing ceremony at Fulton Chapel Thursday.

Senior nursing major Robert Patterson believes Creed Week is a great addition to the university.

“Especially with the situations of the last three years, I think Creed Week is important because it’s definitely needed so people can be informed about what the University of Mississippi actually stands for,” Patterson said.

“(Creed Week) doesn’t let one group of people’s actions define the school, because a lot of people at the school’s opinions really do have their basis on the ideas which we stand for, like equal rights.”

Rogers said signing the Creed means more than just signing your name.

“It’s about understanding that with your signature, you are choosing to uphold these values not only as a student at Ole Miss, but as a person in everyday society,” he said.

Participation in Creed Week has also become a part of some university courses: A number of EDHE classes are participating in the week’s events and reflecting on their experience in essays.

The Creed Week Book will be available for signing Tuesday and Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Union lobby.