Fourth annual haunted house to be held in Guyton Hall

Posted on Oct 28 2014 - 7:11am by Sara Rogers 

The School of Education will hold its fourth annual Halloween celebration in Guyton Hall Friday from 5-7 p.m.. The festivities require no admission, but donations are accepted and will go toward the decorations and other items used to create the event. Although anyone in the community is welcome to attend, the event is geared more towards children.

Founded in 2010 by Dean of the School of Education David Rock, the event’s main purpose is to reach out to the community and provide a safe and fun experience for children, according to Debby Chessin, professor and interim assistant chair of teacher education.

“I enjoy the participation from our graduate and undergraduate students and greeting the many children that stop by,” Chessin said.

The student organization of the Mississippi Association of Educators, called the Teachers of Tomorrow, provides funds to put on the event each year. Members of Teachers of Tomorrow, teacher education graduate assistants, social studies methods students and freshmen are working hard for this year’s event.

The event is designed the same as last year— each floor consists of a different theme or activity.

Games and activities for the visitors will be held on the first floor; the second floor will consist of dancing games and a cakewalk, and a haunted house will be held on the third floor, according to President of Teachers of Tomorrow, Kristen Saltzman.

It has been rumored for years that Guyton Hall is haunted, as it was previously used as a hospital with patients being held on the third floor. Subsequently, this is where the event has held the haunted house each year.

“This used to be the medical school, and the morgue was on the third floor,” Jenny Echols, elementary education grad student said. “Some say the ghosts of those who died there never left.”

Although Guyton Hall had up to 100 visitors last year, Saltzman mentioned that it has been difficult promoting the event in the past and expects an increase in visitors this year. She hopes to use the seniors who are student teaching as an advantage for more kids to know about the event and visit on Halloween.

“As president, I consider it a personal goal to make this event extremely successful,” Saltzman said. “Even though we are on more of a budget this year, I think that we, as teachers, can use our creativity to make this the best haunted house yet.”

Sara Rogers