ASB requests new Stockard elevators

Posted on Nov 5 2014 - 9:40am by Allison Slusher

The Associated Student Body Senate passed a resolution Tuesday requesting three new elevators in the Stockard Residence Hall.

Sophomore Senator Michael Howell began working on the resolution as a freshman.

“I was actually the Stockard senator,” Howell said. “So (the elevators were) the main concern with most of my constituents. The elevators (were) always malfunctioning and being very unsafe, and so, we knew that we had to do something about that.”

Howell said when he lived in Stockard, residents experienced a number of inconveniences related to the malfunctioning elevators.

“I know (the elevators were) a major problem for me when I was there,” Howell said. “People would always get to class late. They would get stuck in the elevators. It would skip your floors. It was just very inconvenient, so we want to do what we can to kind of help someone’s Ole Miss experience.”

Howell has continued working on the resolution this school year. He said he has spoken with current Stockard residents who express the same concerns about the elevators.

“I’ve spoken to a few in passing,” Howell said. “They say that the elevators are just as bad as they’ve always been, if not worse.”

Howell said he has spoken with employees from The University of Mississippi Housing Department about the issue.

“I’ve spoken to different CA’s and different people in housing, and they’ve all said that the elevators would be fixed over different breaks in the school year, and things like that, and we haven’t seen any actions being taken, and they’re just constantly being worked on and fixed all the time, but we think that all new elevators would be a better solution,” Howell said.

Howell said the Housing Department previously ordered new elevators. The elevators were recalled after an incident at the University of Tennessee where the same brand of elevators dropped seven floors with passengers inside.

Senator Grace Sullivan said she supported the resolution and was pleased with how it was written.

“It’s definitely something I’m in favor of,” Sullivan said. “I always want to make sure we’re just precise, especially when we’re dealing with a department of the university like housing, you know, I don’t want it to sound like we’re demanding something of them or being condescending to them, but I think as Senator Howell explained, I think it’s written in a way that voices our opinion without forcing something on them.”

Senator John Brahan also voted for the resolution. Although he voted to pass the resolution, he expressed concern over the reality of the replacement occurring.

“Basically, I think it’s a really good idea in concept, whether or not it’s feasible for Student Housing to go through with it, we don’t know,” Brahan said.

Howell said the elevators run from $15,000 to $50,000. He said the resolution is meant to show the department and administrators that Stockard residents would like to see these changes take place.

“It’s showing the Housing Department as well as the chancellor that as a student body, we take this issue very seriously,” Howell said. “We think that it needs to be acted upon because these elevators have gone on far too long being as unsafe as they are, and we need to see some change.”

The ASB Senate passed the resolution with unanimous consent.

Allison Slusher