Faculty senate drafts resolution in favor of reinstating Jones

Posted on Mar 23 2015 - 7:34am by Logan Kirkland

Page one of the resolution is shown here. This resolution is subject to change through amendments that could be made at Tuesday’s Faculty Senate meeting.


In response to the state College Board’s decision to not extend Chancellor Dan Jones’ contract, The University of Mississippi’s faculty senate has drafted a resolution in favor of reinstating the chancellor. The resolution will be voted on Tuesday evening.

Oliver Dinius, Croft associate professor of history and international studies and vice chair for the faculty senate, said after the decision from the Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees was released, faculty members immediately voiced their concerns urging the faculty senate to “take a stand.”

“There’s, I think, a real outpouring of support and desire to see something happen,” Dinius explained. “So, the faculty senate has embodied to channel that, and have a unified response, representing the faculty’s interest.”

Dinius said there is history behind the idea of the senators being in support of the chancellor. There was a rumor in the fall, around the time Jones was diagnosed with cancer, that IHL would not renew his contract. With that rumor in place, the senate wrote a resolution that would both wish him well and support the renewal of his contract.

“That resolution, which had a very similar spirit, was passed unanimously,” Dinius explained. “I would not be surprised if the resolution on Tuesday also passes unanimously.”

Dinius said he cannot guarantee the decision will be unanimous, but with the experience they had in the fall with the last resolution, he expects a very strong endorsement for Jones.

“If the senate were to pass a unanimous resolution in favor of Dan Jones, it would be national news,” said Douglass Sullivan-Gonzalez, dean of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.

Sullivan-Gonzalez said UM faculty members respect those within the IHL, but were surprised by the board’s decision.

“All of us were nearly unanimously shocked since the evidence overwhelmingly supports reappointment,” Sullivan-Gonzalez said. “It’s intended to be a contentious relationship as faculty ask demanding questions and expect transparent decisions in all activities regarding the future of the academic enterprise here.”

The resolution will be sent to the IHL Board with hopes that a quick, strong and unified voice will cause the board to reconsider their decision, especially since many faculty members felt “you can’t argue with success,” and that “success should be rewarded.”

“Why would you not renew a contract of a leader who is not only here, but, also in education circles around the country, is seen as an extremely successful university leader,” Dinius said. “That would seem to be sending the wrong message.”

Dinius believes the faculty are the heart of the university and encourages other university organizations such as the staff council and the Associated Student Body to join them in expressing their feelings and concerns about IHL’s decision.

“We feel that he has done an excellent job, not only for just the students, for the institution, for faculty and also for the state of Mississippi,” Dinius said. “That should be weighing on the decision of the IHL Board as it hopefully reconsiders its decision.”

Logan Kirkland