Student bites head off hamster

Posted on Apr 1 2015 - 8:27am by Caroline Abide
Courtesy: Twitter

Courtesy: Twitter

University of Mississippi freshman Brady Eaves has been removed from his fraternity and withdrawn from school after being caught biting off the head of a hamster in a video that went viral last Saturday.

The incident was filmed over spring break. Eaves was formerly a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity.

“We hope that the student body at Ole Miss, our family, will understand that this individual incident in no way reflects the values and principles we pride ourselves on and practice every day,” said William Kneip, president of Phi Delta Theta.

Kneip said the events that occurred in the video were in no way related to the chapter’s activity nor were they consistent with the fraternity’s values.

Eaves’ parents released a statement that expressed while they were seriously concerned about the well being of their son, the behavior displayed in the video was not an accurate representation of to his character.

“While we are extremely disappointed and greatly disturbed by his actions, as his parents, we know Brady to be a very bright and talented young man with a huge heart,” the statement read.

Additionally, the statement noted they would be professionally assessing Eaves’ actions.

Caroline Abide