West Oxford Loop to extend to College Hill

Posted on Apr 17 2015 - 9:57am by Clara Turnage
Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves speaks at a press conference about the extension of West Oxford Loop held in front of City Hall on April 16. (DM Photo | Marlee Crawford)

Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves speaks at a press conference about the extension of West Oxford Loop held in front of City Hall on April 16. (DM Photo | Marlee Crawford)

Mayor Pat Patterson announced the appropriation of $3 million to Oxford and Lafayette County to extend West Oxford Loop 3.6 miles to College Hill Road Thursday at City Hall.

The appropriation is a result of the passing of House Bill 1535 on March 30, which gave $949 million to the Mississippi Department of Transportation.

Patterson said this extension has been in the works for nearly 20 years and is the collective effort of state and local government as well as the University of Mississippi.

Lieutenant Gov. Tate Reeves said this project was one of many across the state.

“No matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum, we can all agree that public infrastructure is a role that government must play,” Reeves said. “This is a clear example of what can happen when you have a state representative and a state senator that are working together to do what’s right for their community.”

Patterson said Chancellor Dan Jones expedited the process a little over a year ago.

“We stand here today as a result of the combined efforts by a community led by the work of Dan Jones’ staff at the university,” Patterson said.

Jones said it is hard to distinguish between the needs of the city and those of the university, which results in the need for collaboration between both parties.

House of Representatives member Brad Mayo said this project has been special to him because it affects his neighborhood.

“This is going to affect us in two ways. First, it’s going to make day-to-day life easier. For those who live north of town and want to get to Jackson Avenue, it’s going to ease their burden,” Mayo said. “Secondly, it will encourage what the lieutenant governor was saying, economic development.”

Clara Turnage