Students announce Associated Student Body executive officer campaigns

Posted on Feb 18 2018 - 10:58pm by Taylor Vance

Around 60 candidates submitted petitions to qualify for Associated Student Body elections Sunday night in Lamar Hall.

Fifty Senate candidates and 10 executive officer candidates qualified for elections and started campaigning immediately after qualifying by putting campaign signs up on Business Row. Students will have the opportunity to vote for senators and executive officers to determine which direction they want to see the campus go.

ASB candidates set up their campaigning signs on Business Row Sunday night. Photo by Marlee Crawford

“Elections will take place March 6 (for the general election) and March 8 for any runoff elections, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.” ASB Attorney General Dillon Pitts said. “Any student can vote through their myOleMiss account, including law school students and graduate students.”

Presidential candidates include Emily Tipton, Elam Miller, Wister Hitt and Dylan Wood. Walker Abel is running unopposed for vice president. Candidates for judicial chair are Alex Crouch and Bea Tisher. Austin Fiala and Katherine Sistrunk are running for attorney general, and Jonathan Cox is running unopposed for treasurer.

This election, candidates are discussing ideas such as campaign finance reform, election reform, inclusiveness, the role of student government with Ole Miss administration and judicial advisers for judicial appeals.

ASB President Dion Kevin said this election is an important election because it can “really determine which way ASB heads in.”

“It’s important for students to be involved, in general,” Kevin said. “ASB is a great way for students use their voice. I’m excited to see what happens, and I hope we have a good turnout.”

Kevin said he does not plan on endorsing anyone but does hope his successor is someone who is “driven” and will lead the campus in a positive direction.

Candidates will make remarks about their platforms in a debate Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the Overby Center, and the inauguration will be April 13.