Nutrition department hosts cooking classes

Posted on Jan 31 2014 - 8:49am by Chekarey Hailey

Lenoir Hall
Anna Brigance I The Daily Mississippian

The University of Mississippi Nutrition Clinic is offering cooking classes as a way to extend teaching beyond the classroom.

“The classes are taught by a registered dietician.  Everyone will learn how to prepare simple meals that don’t take all day or cost a fortune,” said Dr. Janie Cole, director of the nutrition clinic.

Instructors in the nutrition department said they are hoping the classes will encourage students to get active by understanding the balance of food groups and that eating healthy is fun and simple.

“We’re also teaching food and safety tips, a healthier way to do things and how to do them,” Cole said.

With limited food choices on campus, members of the department said they are hoping to give students some variety.

“I think it’s a great idea that the nutrition department is offering cooking classes. I know I have issues of my own trying to eat healthy, and cooking is sometimes overwhelming,” junior business major Sarah Johnson said.

Anyone interested should register by Thursday, Feb. 6 via email to  The fee for all three classes is $125, which will include all the food, equipment, supplies and apron.

Chekarey Hailey