Festival commences at Thacker

Posted on Feb 6 2014 - 9:39am by Audrey Hall

Fans view a performance during a Thacker Mountain radio Show last semester. Photo: The Daily Mississippian.

Thacker Mountain Radio will mark the beginning of the 2014 Oxford Film Festival tonight at 6 at the Lyric.

The radio program gives people the opportunity to elaborate on the artistic styles they use to express themselves in a familial and engaging atmosphere. Thacker Mountain is all about community.

“When our guest stars and audience connect, when everything hangs together,” producer Kathryn McGaw said.

“People leave changed in some way and that’s a beautiful thing to see happen.”

Talented artists such as Melissa Ginsburg and Jimbo Mathus will be performing for Thacker Mountain Radio tonight.

Another guest star to expect is 81-year-old Leo “Bud” Welch, who will be making his debut appearance.

He was recently discovered by Big Legal Mess Records and is releasing his debut album this year.

According to McGaw, this week’s cast represents everything Thacker Mountain has to offer. They embody the show’s message: It’s a love of art, poetry and music that can truly move the soul, and no one appreciates it better than people who share their Southern roots.

“We look for folks who are making music they believe in,” McGaw said.

“We want to further the conversation.”

The show does not cater to a particular audience, however.

“We always have a very interesting and diverse audience. Some people will be there for Jimbo, they’re always very excited for him,” McGaw stated.

“There is something for everyone.”

And just in case you weren’t convinced already, the final member of this week’s broadcast is Chris Offutt, one of Ole Miss’ professors.

“I’ve read on Thacker three or so times,” Offutt said. It’s fun and great. I try and go to the radio show every week. It’s one of my favorite things about Oxford: free music and literature once a week. Jim Dees is very funny, and the Yalobushwackers is a great band.”

Take it from the guy who is a Thacker Mountain veteran and knows — you will not want to miss this show.

When asked how he was going to choose what to read this Thursday, Offutt said,

“Choosing what to read is informed by the strict time limit of Thacker, plus the PG rating of radio.”

In a bit of a spoiler, however, he said he finds short stories the most fun to write and that they are the best for public readings because they tell a succinct and complete story. Offutt also has a few things to say to young writers.

“Read and write every day,” Offutt said. “Carry pen and paper; write things down when you think of them.”

— Audrey Hall
