Nkemdiche brothers face $2 million lawsuit

Posted on Feb 20 2014 - 11:14am by Logan Kirkland

Denzel Nkemdiche (left) and Robert Nkemdiche (right).

A civil lawsuit was filed Feb. 14 against University of Mississippi football players Denzel and Robert Nkemdiche. The plaintiff, Matthew Baird, is alleging that the Nkemdiche brothers, along with five other unnamed male suspects also on the football team, beat him unconscious at the Kappa Alpha fraternity house on Feb. 17, 2013.

Baird alleges that he was hit from behind while leaving the fraternity party with his girlfriend and his friend, criminal justice senior Ford Everett. The single blow, alleged to be delivered by Denzel Nkemdiche, knocked Baird unconscious. Denzel, Robert and the five unidentified men allegedly proceeded to “kick and stomp” Baird’s head into the ground. Everett then “threw his body on top of Baird in order to protect him,” after which the seven men began to “kick and stomp” Everett’s head.

Denzel, Robert and the five unidentified men left before emergency vehicles arrived and are alleged to have been laughing and celebrating the attack before leaving the scene, according to the filed complaint.

Baird was unconscious for 12 to 15 minutes and was escorted from the scene in an ambulance after having what is believed to have been a seizure. He was later treated for a closed head injury. Everett suffered an injury to his middle ear and a burst eardrum.

Baird is seeking $2 million total for compensatory and punitive damages, based on battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and loss of future earnings.

The University Police Department responded to the Kappa Alpha fraternity house at the time of the incident but did not make an arrest because it was unknown who hit Baird.

“When this alleged incident occurred, the proper authorities investigated the matter and could find no evidence of wrong-doing related to Denzel and Robert Nkemdiche or any other members of our football program,” Athletics Director Ross Bjork said in a public statement made on Tuesday. “This is a personal matter for them and we will support Denzel and Robert while they defend themselves in this civil case.”

Football head coach Hugh Freeze issued a statement on Wednesday regarding the lawsuit.

“Having spoken with our players after the event occurred and reviewed the incident report, we are disappointed these unwarranted allegations are being directed at Denzel and Robert, and they have the full support of our team as they fight this matter,” Freeze said in the statement.

Baird is claiming that he was hit from behind with no warning and without any provocation on his part. The filed complaint states that Denzel, Robert and the five unnamed men attacked Baird with premeditation and the intent to cause severe and harmful injury.

Mississippi lawyer Steve Farese is representing the Nkemdiche brothers and expects a “total denial” response to be filed next week in regard to Baird’s complaint.

“To me, this is a complaint,” Farese said when questioned about whether or not the case would advance to something more.