Results for Associated Student Body elections will be revealed on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016. Brent Ferguson, attorney general, named the positions that are open for election this year.
Mr. and Miss Ole Miss:
This position was created in 1940. As Mr. and Miss Ole Miss, the two nominees work to represent the student body of the university and what the university represents. They work in tandem on a philanthropic event that gives back to the Oxford community.
The candidates for Mr. Ole Miss are: Chad Knight, Cole Putman and Daniel Reed.
The candidates for Miss Ole Miss are: Acacia Santos, Bess Nichols and Sarah Sutton
Homecoming Queen:
The Homecoming Queen represents the student body throughout the week of homecoming. Along with being the centerpiece of the Homecoming Parade, the Homecoming Queen represents is recognized on the football field during halftime of the homecoming game.
The candidates for Homecoming Queen this year are: Caroline Burke, Meredith Parker, MK Phillips and Paxton Williams.
Campus favorites and homecoming maid elections are also today.
There are also multiple people running for Associated Student Body Senate seats. There are 48 seats available, with 20 being allotted to the various colleges on campus and the other 28 to registered student organizations.
“ASB Senate seats are open to anyone,” Ferguson said. “The positions under the ASB Senate are divided between schools and registered student organizations. Each college has seats available to them. Those seats are allotted by size.”
The remaining 28 seats are split between the registered student organizations. Two seats are given to multiple categories, which are the categories listed on OrgSync. Also, Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Panhellenic fraternities and sororities have two seats allotted each.
Students can vote online via MyOleMiss Tuesday September 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.