Associated Student Body announces 2015 candidates

Posted on Feb 23 2015 - 9:09am by Karson Bradenburg
Kelly Savage announces the ASB candidates during a meeting at the University of Mississippi, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2015. (DM Photo | Jason Zhang)

Kelly Savage announces the ASB candidates during a meeting at the University of Mississippi, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2015. (DM Photo | Jason Zhang)

The University of Mississippi announced the 2015 Associated Student Body candidates Sunday evening. Positions being campaigned for include president, vice president, attorney general, treasurer, judicial chair and secretary.

The seat for ASB president is uncontested, with Rod Bridges as the solo candidate.

The position for vice president will be campaigned for by Vivian Paris and John Brahan, both public policy leadership majors at the university.

Emma Jennings, an English major, and Loden Walker, a political science major, will vie for the position of attorney general.

Joe Curry, an accountancy major, and William Fisher, a liberal arts major, are both running for judicial chair.

Kate Aspinwall, also an accountancy major, is running uncontested for the position of treasurer.

Finally, Hannah Haley and Amy Hall, both public policy leadership majors, are running for secretary.

“I think we have a great group, and I’m really excited about the turnout,” said Kelly Savage, ASB attorney general. “In the past we’ve had a few more elections go uncontested and that hasn’t been the case this year. I think that’s great and reflective of a group of student-leaders that are going to do a great job and are really invested in The University of Mississippi and its student body.”

This year, a new rule for campaigning will go into effect to prevent the overcrowded walkways that often plague the campus on election day.

Each campaign will be issued 30 badges with the campaign’s logo on them. Fifteen badges will be issued for the Student Union, 10 badges issued for the Circle and five issued for the sidewalk in front of Fulton Chapel.

“We’re going to try to cut back on the number of people out there,” Savage said. “Generally speaking, people don’t like campaign day, and that’s a pretty sad situation because this is such an important day (for the candidates) and for this university in selecting student leadership. It should be a fun, stress-free day for everyone — even people just trying to get to Chick-Fil-A in the Union.”

The badges will be transferable so campaigners may rotate throughout the day.

Savage said the badges also became necessary because an excess of trash built up last semester due to the number of people occupying the space outside the union.

Candidates will have opportunities to voice their platforms during the debates, at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Overby Center Auditorium.

Voting will take place Tuesday, March 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on MyOleMiss.

Karson Bradenburg