Associated Student Body Senate prepares for new term

Posted on Sep 15 2014 - 11:44am by Allison Slusher

The Associated Student Body Senate will hold elections for senate seats Tuesday.

Petitions for senate campaigns were collected Friday, Sept. 5. ASB Attorney General Kelly Savage has been working to prepare the ballots for Tuesday’s elections.

“At last count, we had 110 people submit petitions to run for campus senate,” Savage said. “We had a great, unprecedented turn out, and I am hopeful that we will soon have a very impressive group of newly-elected senators.”

Students will be running to represent their residence halls, specific school or year classification at large.

ASB Vice President Emerson George said he is hoping to make changes to senate meeting procedures.

“This year we have a lot coming through senate,” George said. “We’re going to look at a lot of our procedures and make things work more efficiently.”

He said he is also looking forward to seeing what the senators will accomplish on campus.

“I think a big thing that students can see is the Infrastructure Committee,” George said. “There are always a lot of great things that come out of them. I think really what we want to do is figure out this ambiguous couple week period with senate elections and how there’s not a whole lot of time to do a whole lot once we get back. Our big thing coming up as soon as the election comes through will be passing our budget and getting money to student organizations as quickly as possible.”

Savage said she too is preparing legislation for the new term.

“I have a few pieces of legislation in the works that will be brought to the ASB Senate this semester, the first of which will clarify the election rules regarding free giveaways,” Savage said. “After making some revisions, I also plan to bring back the Campus Election Procedures Revision Act of 2013, which was proposed last fall in efforts to limit the number of campaigners on election days that can be present at each of the open campaigning spots on campus: the Union Plaza, Fulton Chapel and the Circle.”

Jake McClellan, senior, is currently a senator for the College of Liberal Arts. He also serves as chairman of the academics administration committee. McClellan said that if re-elected, he hopes to accomplish goals he and his committee members have set.

“I think this year we have a lot of goals that we’ve set out,” McClellan said. “I’m the chairman of the academics administration committee, so we have a pretty good work load planned. I’m excited to get the year started.”

Students will be able to vote Tuesday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on their myOleMiss accounts. Results will be posted at 8 p.m. Tuesday outside the ASB office.

Allison Slusher