Athens indie rock takes Proud Larry’s stage

Posted on Oct 16 2015 - 3:06pm by Hailea Lamer

Twenty years ago, a snowstorm kept an indie rock band from performing in Oxford. This weekend, Five Eight, based out of Athens, Georgia, will be returning to make up their missed show on the famous Proud Larry’s stage.

Since their formation in 1988, the band has produced six albums, toured across the country with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group R.E.M., and they have performed with other rock bands such as Cracker, Cheap Trick and Seven Mary Three.

The band is made up of four members: Mike Mantione, singer, guitarist and songwriter; Dan Horowitz, bassist; Patrick Ferguson, drummer; and Sean Dunn, guitarist. Each band member writes his own part and collaborates at the end, which adds to the unique sound of the band. The group was influenced by bands such as The Replacements, The Who, The Ramones and Neil Young.

When writing Five Eight’s songs, Mantione gets his inspiration from many aspects of life and the human condition.

“It happens quickly,” Mantione said. “Usually emotions are what I’m drawing from and moments when people face things that they ordinarily don’t face very well. Conflicts really inspire me—stuff that ordinarily isn’t communicated. Mental health struggles that I’ve had on a personal level are drawn from too; it’s what speaks to me.”

Their latest album, “Weirdo,” was re-released two months ago featuring five new songs and is available on vinyl and through digital download. Fans can find their music on Spotify and iTunes, as well as Bandcamp, which provides their entire catalog of music. Another record is in the works, but the band has not yet set a release date.

At shows, the band is sure to play popular songs such as “Weirdo,” “I’m Still Around,” “God D*mn It, Paul” and “Behead Myself.”

The band takes requests from the audience, but they mainly play their newest songs and reinvent some of their older songs.  Fans can expect their performance to be something unlike other performances they may have been to in the past, and the band is excited for them to experience it.

“They can expect to see something they don’t get to see very often, which is a pretty intense live show,” Mantione said. “It’s kind of like a mixture of very uncomfortable stand-up comedy and some pretty insane rock. I think that the band has never been better.”

Since Five Eight has been around for so long, the fan base is typically made up of 30 and 40 year-olds. However, the band has recently noticed that they have gained a younger following on social media, especially on Facebook.

“Music is not so generation-specific anymore. I think people now all listen to the same music, “Mantione said. “The generational gaps aren’t happening the way they used to happen, and I think the best bands tend to hit the ceiling and stick.”

The band chose to come to Oxford to make up a show that they missed 20 years ago because of a snowstorm.  Mantione is excited for all the food the city has to offer, to check out the University, and to put on a great show.

“I think the live musical experience is like nothing else,” Mantione said. “It’s carrying people along on a journey, and if you’re good at that, it can be amazing. Our band is one of the best at that. We’re able to somehow tap into whatever’s happening at the time and we’re able to take that energy the people have and really make something of the night. I love Five Eight for that.”

Five Eight will be performing at Proud Larry’s this Friday at 9 p.m. with special guests Adam Klein and NERVS. Doors open at 8 p.m. Tickets are available online and at the door for $7 with a $2 upcharge for those under 21.