Austin Anderson settling into new role

Posted on Feb 13 2014 - 8:31am by Matt Sigler

Austin Anderson releases a throw to first during a game last season. Photo: The Daily Mississippian.

Sacrifice is something that nearly everyone will encounter at some point in their life, and for senior Austin Anderson, it is sacrifice on the baseball diamond that could propel him and his Ole Miss teammates to achieve their goals this season.

Anderson, a Sorrento, Fla., native, was the starting shortstop for the Diamond Rebels last season in all 58 games the team played. Now, Anderson will be trotting out on opening day at third base, while true freshman Errol Robinson will take the reigns at short.

“Naturally, I’m more comfortable at shortstop just because I’ve played there my whole life,” Anderson said. “But at the beginning of the season, (assistant) coach (Cliff) Godwin told me I was going to play more third this fall because he wanted to see Errol and Kyle (Toth) play there just because I’ve played shortstop the past three years here and they know I can play there.”

Despite having to step out of his comfort zone a bit, Anderson is taking things in stride with the move, wanting what is best for the team.

“At first, it’s a little bit of a change because of the angle of the ball coming off the bat,” Anderson said. “The ball gets on you quicker. I’ve had plenty of reps there and feel just as comfortable at third as short and Errol Robinson has been great at short. Whatever is best for the team and whatever is going to be more successful as a group, I’m OK with.”

Anderson and Robinson will now become a tandem on the left side of the infield, and Anderson said he believes their chemistry so far has been solid.

“It’s been good,” Anderson said. “He’s a clown. He likes to joke around, but it’s been good. I feel like me at third and him at short, it is a strong left side and best for the team and will have the most success.”

Anderson was extremely efficient both in the field and at the plate for the Rebels last season with a .937 fielding percentage while hitting .310. Anderson’s production will be needed for a team that is taking a big hit offensively losing the likes of Tanner Mathis, Stuart Turner and Andrew Mistone, and he will also be needed to step up as a leader, being one of the nine seniors on the team.

“The past three years, we’ve only made two regionals and haven’t hosted one,” Anderson said. “Obviously, that’s one of our goals. Host a regional, host a super regional and go to Omaha would be awesome with it being my senior year.”

As a whole, the Rebels will look to improve on a 38-24 overall record from last season, and Anderson said he has a good feeling about this year’s team doing just that.

“We’re just more mentally tough, I would say,” Anderson said of this year’s team. “Toughness in general. There is something about this team that is a good mixture of veterans and the new guys are very confident.

For continuing coverage of Ole Miss baseball, follow @SigNewton_2 and @thedm_sports on Twitter.

— Matt Sigler