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In my first two years of college, I have had the opportunity to take two road trips on opposite sides of the country. My first came during spring break...

“Would you feel comfortable with me walking in your bathroom with pink Brazilian hair down my back, wearing 6-inch heels?” L’oreal Johnson asked...

On campus, I have been called a “liberal” countless times, but I feel that words like that should not mold a person into a certain grouping based on...

Last Monday, San Bernardino, California, suffered its second mass shooting in three years. While no one should use the death of a student, teacher and...

About a month ago, an opinion article was published titled “Republican party: Not as pro-life as we think.” Ignoring abortion, I had many issues with...

All people in their lifetime do or say things they do not necessarily want other people to remember. Most of the time, we do not want to judge people on...

It has been nearly four years since Edward Snowden leaked thousands of documents that detailed just how extensively we were monitored by the U.S. government. Since...

Last week, the world watched in horror as innocent Syrians, including children, were attacked with chemical weapons by their own government. This is not...

Even as an international student, I am neither blind nor deaf to the structural problems of the state of Mississippi. Poverty, unemployment, obesity,...

I agree with most of Mr. Daniel Payne’s points in his Opinion piece, “Coal is Failing,” but I thought I’d flesh out a few finer...