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Dear Editor, The University Counseling Center recently relocated to 320 Lester Hall and wanted to remind the campus community of our services and our availability for students, faculty and staff.  The University Counseling Center espouses a philosophy of acceptance, compassion and support for all individuals we serve regardless of their racial or ethnic identity, sexual...

On Good Friday, Christians recognize the execution and death of their savior. This Good Friday, Mississippi lawmakers voted to bring back execution by...

“You can be a Christian and have fellowship with people that you would not marry and that God does not want you to marry and that if you should marry you would be marrying outside of the will of God. Why can’t you see that? Why can’t good, solid, substantial people who do not have any prejudices and do not have any hatred and do not have any bitterness see...

House Bill 1523 is a wide bill that “protects” people’s freedom to discriminate against queer and transgender people, as well as anyone who dares to have pre-marital sex. This also extends to adoption and foster care laws that have recently been struck down by a federal judge. Mississippi has the highest proportion of lesbian parents raising biological, adopted or...

Is the White Savior Complex real at UM? I like to think not, but trying to measure a person’s sincerity is not easy. It is strategically smarter to focus more on the efforts put forth and not the character, or lack thereof, of the person. Since my freshman year, I have borne witness to many despicable events surrounding race dynamics. Considering the volume of...

An academic colleague of mine got into my dream school. When she told me, tears of joy welled in my eyes as I congratulated her. She’s still weighing her options, but it’s looking like she will be attending my dream school in the fall. I’m so incredibly happy for her; she is honestly one of the kindest, most genuinely good people I have ever met. I hope she has a...