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Courtesy of Ethan Davis Recently, the university has altered punishments placed upon the Sigma Chi fraternity for misogynistic comments made during its...

In the past few years, on college campuses across the nation, there has been a movement to rename buildings and monuments that could possibly contain the name of a historic figure who had racist tendencies or attitudes during their public careers. Here at Ole Miss, we have our own “Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on History and Context,” created to contextualize...

Since its release on July 6, Pokemon GO, Nintendo and Niantic’s newest installation of the franchise, has become the most downloaded and highest grossing app on the App Store. It took only 19 days for this spinoff to reach 50 million downloads, which is a feat games like Supercell’s Clash of Clans have yet to reach. With little but word of mouth and the preexisting...

Dear editor, With the university’s decision to discontinue the use of “Dixie” at athletic events, the all-too predictable uproar of those citing “heritage,” “tradition” and “political correctness” surfaced in internet comments and letters to the editor. Many of the people attacking the university have no connection to Ole Miss beyond being a casual fan...

       In this letter, I am stating that I am not at all alone in the Ole Miss Community with my dismay of the inconsiderate and unthinking actions during tailgating on the Grove and the Circle during the home football games.        Whatever the result of the Ole Miss football games, we all know that almost every blade of grass will not survive the estimated...

The South is a place of duality. Of rich and poor, of haves and have-nots, of white and black. Yet oftentimes we are blind to what these dualities mean, or that both sides of the duality represent not faceless ideologies, but people with sets of very real experiences. Such is the debate over Dixie. One side calls vehemently for its reinstatement, accusing the other side...

I was a member of the Pride of the South while in college, and have witnessed the impact that the song “Dixie” has had on the student body and community.  It is a unique fight song that shows pride in the Southern heritage, not to mention the many cheers based on “Dixie” that make Ole Miss one of a kind. Never in my years of performing this has anyone expressed...

Net neutrality may sound like a topic that is as exciting as spending a sunny Saturday watching C-SPAN.  Riveting. However, unlike C-SPAN, a neutral net is a huge part of things that we actually do spend our Saturdays doing: Netflix, streaming music and catching Pokémon.   Essentially, having net neutrality means the internet is a neutral playing field between internet...

It is the classic back-to-school conversation starter. “What did you do this summer?” You probably know the typical answers. Worked. Went on vacation. Went out a lot. Took a few classes. As I decided what I wanted to do with the three months of down time I would have this summer, going on vacations and taking a class just did not seem appealing to me. I wanted...

As an out-of-state student, I have always felt like the spectator when it comes to the turmoil going on in Mississippi. The whole country has lately tried to find a balance of political correctness and preserving history and heritage. Last year, when ASB decided to take down the Mississippi state flag on campus, I was hesitant to put in my two cents because it was not...