“Be a friend, show respect and just be a good neighbor”

Posted on Sep 22 2012 - 7:25pm by Lacey Russell

Oxford mayor Pat Patterson met with the ASB Cabinet on Sunday night. During his meeting with us, we discussed numerous topics ranging from student behavior leaving the Square to student involvement in the community. I wish to discuss both topics he raised.
Mayor Patterson cited several instances of students damaging property when leaving the Square. I personally do not find it humorous to bash people’s mailboxes and turn over trash cans. Neither does the mayor. The relationship between the university and Oxford should be a symbiotic one, both entities should mutually benefit from the presence of the other. When we students go out on the Square, we represent the University, and with that in mind we should responsibly partake in all of the festivities the Square has to offer, and then return home without being belligerent and disrespectful to the Oxford community. I hope the select few people that are responsible for this type of behavior will modify it accordingly. Alright, I’m done with negative aspect of the conversation, on to the good.
Someone asked Mayor Patterson what were some things Ole Miss students could do to become engaged in the Oxford community. The title of the article is how he responded. I could not agree with the mayor more. It’s important that we students forge meaningful relationship with our neighbors. Obviously this column is aimed at upperclassmen that find themselves living off-campus. Nevertheless, underclassmen can play a crucial role in the effort to foster quality relationships between the Oxford community and Ole Miss students.
Being new in town opens many new doors for opportunities to immerse yourself in the Oxford community at-large. Mayor Patterson even said that people in the community would “flip out” (in excitement) if students were to get more involved. I’m sure a lot of us were involved in our communities back home, which is great. However, for the next few years Oxford will be your home, and I think we should treat it accordingly.
On the City of Oxford’s online website there is a tab on the home page that reads “Living Here” underneath that tab is one that reads “Just for College Students.” I suggest that you all take the time to read up on exactly what the City of Oxford expects of students. To be fair, I was not even aware that this information was online until I started looking for it. However, now that I am informed and you’re now informed, it is our responsibility to abide by the guidelines the City of Oxford wishes us to follow. This will be especially needed as we approach the Texas game and are expecting a record number of people here in Oxford.
All in all, just remember what Mayor Patterson said, “Be a friend, show respect and just be a good neighbor.”  

Tim Abram is a junior public policy major from Horn Lake. Follow him on Twitter @Tim_Abram.

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