Concert for a Cause: EDUganda hosts benefit performance for nonprofit tonight

Posted on Nov 20 2013 - 5:33am by Samantha Abernathy

The co-presidents of EDUganda First organization, Vivian Lang and Jessica Bunch in Uganda. Photo: EDUganda, The Daily Mississippian

University of Mississippi student organization EDUganda will be hosting a benefit concert featuring The Red Thangs and Morgan Leigh Pennington tonight at 9 p.m. at Lamar Lounge.

EDUganda is an on-campus group that works with the nonprofit organization Friends In Need Integrated Development Project. With groups like EDUganda, the nonprofit raises money for the educational funding of children and young adults in Uganda.

EDUganda has been on Ole Miss’ campus for seven years. Originally named Hope for Africa, EDUganda recently changed its name to specify which region of Africa it is aiding the most.

Senior English major Vivian Lang and junior English major Jessica Bunch run the organization with a “can do” attitude and numerous ways for their members to aid their sponsored students.

“Each student has a different set monetary goal,” Bunch said.

Bunch said the organization wants to give kids in Uganda the opportunity to go to school and achieve their dreams just as Ole Miss students have.

EDUganda members are very invested in the educational development of the students they sponsor. They constantly brainstorm for more ways to raise the needed funds for each of the kids throughout the year.

“We have several fundraisers throughout the year,” Bunch said. Along with the benefit concert, the members of EDUganda hope to host many other campaigns for their students, such as a clothing drive after Thanksgiving break, among other things.

Lang and Bunch make sure their members connect with their students on a deeper level as well. The members of EDUganda keep in touch with their students by writing letters to them. In this way they are able to hear about the help they are giving the children through feedback and get to know them.

Lang and Bunch are always in contact with the Friends in Need Integrated Development Project to see that their group is on the right track and that their students in Uganda are doing well. Members of EDUganda intend to take a self-funded trip to view the changes they have helped produce in the lives of their students.

An entry fee of $5 will be required a the concert. All donations are appreciated and will aid in EDUganda’s cause.

 — Samantha Abernathy