Costume Crunch: last minute Halloween ideas

Posted on Oct 29 2015 - 7:50am by Hailea Lamer

Halloween is right around the corner, and if that isn’t frightening enough, some of us procrastinators have no idea what costume to do. But never fear, there is still time to put something together. Not only will these DIY costumes go easy on your budget, you’ll be able to throw them together in no time.

1.  Basic Ole Miss Girl
Some girls are pegged as “basic Ole Miss girls,” and some poke fun at the “basic girls,” who are known for a certain style of dress and choice of accessories. What’s more fun than pretending and exaggerating this notion for one night? Just add Uggs (preferably the sequined or animal print), leggings, any kind of top from Victoria’s Secret PINK(or an XXL T-shirt), and bring along the biggest Starbuck’s cup you can find. Take hundreds of selfies all night and Instagram the best one using, like, a thousand different filters and tags, of course.

2. A Pineapple
Pineapples were super trendy for some reason this summer, so keep the trend alive this Halloween. Put on a yellow dress, light colored shoes (white, nude or yellow work the best), and DIY the green stem using construction paper, a toilet paper roll (paint it green first!), a headband, and some hot glue. Prepare to hear the pickup line “If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple” for the rest of the night.


3. Fifty Shades of Grey
Not the actual Christian Grey, more like 50 different shades of the color.  Put on grey pants (sweatpants are acceptable), any type of grey shirt, some grey shoes, and walk into Walmart, Home Depot, or any kind of store that sells paint swatches and grab as many grey samples as you can. Take them home and cover yourself head to toe with the paint swatches. Super easy, punny, and most likely a costume that will be a huge hit with the movie’s fans.

4. Nerd
Time to embrace your middle school self. All you need is khaki pants (or if you have plaid, that’s a million times better), a button down shirt buttoned all the way up, a bowtie, and suspenders. Throw on a pair of thick-rimmed glasses with tape in the middle if you’re feeling extra nerdy. Roll up the bottoms of your pants because showing your ankles is the true nerd thing to do. Nobody will know this costume didn’t take much effort at all, so A+ for faking it.

5. Three Blind Mice
Thinking of doing a group costume? Are two of your close friends also scrambling last minute to find something to wear? Put on some black dresses, black shoes and sunglasses. Find a cane at your grandparent’s house, throw on mouse ears (easy DIY: headband, some hot glue, and either fuzzy material or black paper) and you are good to go. Draw on some whiskers and black noses, and you’ll be blinded by how easy and cute your costume is.

6. Hunter and Deer
Have a significant other? Can’t find something that you’ll both like? This costume is incredibly easy for girls and for guys. The deer typically consists of brown bodysuit, but all brown clothes will work if you don’t have a spare bodysuit lying around. Cut out some fuzzy fabric for the stomach and the tail, pick up some antlers, and search Pinterest like crazy for makeup ideas. (Trust me, there’s about 1,000 ways to craft the perfect “deer in the headlights” face.) Guys have it even easier. Throw on your favorite hunting gear, a hat or binoculars if you have them. If you’re really into Halloween and making your “deer” happy, put on some face paint to really give off the hiding hunter vibe.

fashion37. 101 Dalmatians
A costume meant for one or 101 of your closest friends. Third wheeling to the Square? You can all be Dalmatians and nobody will know you’re the awkward one out. Dress in all white and paint black spots all over yourself and the clothes. (Black construction paper dots also work well if you plan on wearing your white clothes again.) Craft some fuzzy ears using furry fabric, hot glue, and a headband, or make an enormous white bow that can pass for ears. Life won’t be “ruff” if you use this last-minute costume.
Whether you’re going to the Square, a hall crawl, or just hanging out with friends, Halloween is the one night where you can be something completely different, so have fun with it!