Local band Ebenezer Goodman releases first ‘Roxford’ album

Posted on Apr 17 2017 - 8:15pm by Lexi Purvis

Ebenezer Goodman, one of the most notable Oxford-based bands, has just produced its first album with Dial Back Sound in Water Valley.

Local music buffs will recognize Ebenezer Goodman from its performances across Oxford at several different venues and events. The band consists of Andy Shine, lead guitar; Caleb Carroll, vocals and guitar; Avery Goodman, bass; and John Brahan on the drums. The members of the band realized they shared a mutual passion for music when they met each other at Ole Miss.

“A lot of college bands fizzle out,” Brahan said. “But we’re really lucky that we’ve grown.”

The new album is self-titled and contains nine original tracks written by the band members. They describe the album as having a rock ‘n roll vibe and a “Mississippi mud” tone.

“We wanted the small-town Mississippi sound,” Carroll said. “In a recent talk, we were described as ‘Oxford rock’ or ‘Roxford.’”

Ebenezer Goodman recorded demos to send into recording studios in hopes that one would be interested in producing its first album. Bronson Tew, a sound engineer at Dial Back Sound, saw the band’s potential and helped create the album’s sound.

“Bronson did a lot with not only the sound, but he also added conceptual ideas, especially with the harmonies,” Brahan said. “They (Dial Back Sound) filled a lot of holes that we couldn’t see, and they added something great. They had just as much of a hand in the creative process as we did.”

The album is posted online to Soundcloud with original tracks such as “Chasing Hurricanes” and “Hold True” that have more than 700 listens, and “Welcome to My World,” which is a personal favorite of the band.

The band plans on releasing the album to major music platforms such as iTunes and Spotify in the near future, as well as hard copies of the album and Ebenezer Goodman merchandise.

“We’re absolutely pumped about the merch and the album,” Carroll said. “My mom always wanted an Ebenezer Goodman T-shirt, so now I can finally give one to her.”