Letter to the Editor

Posted on Apr 30 2013 - 8:10am by N. Camp Best

Dear Editor,


This week we all were fortunate to witness an exemplary act of courage by one of our students, Sean Higgins, when he stood alone for something that he believed in against all of the voices of his colleagues in an ASB Senate Committee meeting. Regardless of whether or not you agree with Sean’s proposal, he should be admired and respected for his unselfish willingness to stand up like a man for a cause he supported, demonstrating maturity and professionalism beyond his age. His dedicated action and commitment to service through civil discourse is something that we strive every day to instill in our students while they are here at Ole Miss. Unfortunately, we also have witnessed, once again, how some in our community choose to react disrespectfully when they disagree with an idea, proposal or recommendation.  Although Sean has received a great deal of support for his courage from many on our campus and in the larger community, there have been others who harshly attacked him in a cowardly fashion through anonymous tweets and on anonymous sports blogs. It is these cowards who deserve scrutiny for their poor behavior, not Sean.  They can only hope to one day develop the strength of character and powerful presence that he has exhibited.


N. Camp Best

Student Advocate

Vice Chancellor’s Office for Student Affairs