Dear Editor,   The Daily Mississippian columnist Whitney Greer’s column on Guantanamo unfortunately substitutes a good deal of bombast (“reign...

Dear Editor,   Whereas Williamson claims that she is tired of “picking up a copy of The DM and seeing people outraged about absolutely inane topics,” I am admittedly tired of something else.  I am tired of apologizing.  I am tired of being under the magnifying glass.  I am tired of making overt gestures of political correctness to try and justify my university...

Dear Editor,   In last weeks article, “ASB Rejects Resolution to Ban Dixie” Sean Higgins became the latest administration sock puppet to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. Sean said, “I think it’s offensive…” speaking for the nameless, faceless, never quoted multitude he believes he represents in denouncing the song Dixie for being the Confederate...

Dear Editor,   This week we all were fortunate to witness an exemplary act of courage by one of our students, Sean Higgins, when he stood alone for something that he believed in against all of the voices of his colleagues in an ASB Senate Committee meeting. Regardless of whether or not you agree with Sean’s proposal, he should be admired and respected for his unselfish...