How are Ole Miss students preparing to go back to class?

Posted on Aug 22 2016 - 8:01am by LifestylesDesk

These Ole Miss students are getting ready to go back to school. Tell us your back-to-school essentials at @DM_Lifestyles

Brady Ruffin

“I got my planner organized, bought my notebooks, literally just organizing my desk.” Brady Ruffin, junior integrated marketing communications major



Yasmine Seddeek

“We are asking about our classes, going to our professors, and attending orientations. I am trying to find textbooks.” Yasmine Seddeek, graduate student


Madison Densmore

“My grandmother actually did more research on the school than I did… What she did prepare me for was the football games. Apparently I need to dress up. So I went with my mom, we went shopping, and we bought some dresses for the football games. I’m doing a lot of reading, a lot of book buying.” Madison Densmore, graduate student



Abi Wheeler

“I can tell you how I get ready for classes, walking around on the campus, getting exercise, trying to find [classes]. I also have to get books from older friends. And getting comfortable shoes so you can walk everywhere.” Abi Wheeler, freshman speech pathology major


Cole Putman

“I’m preparing for school by enjoying this downtime before school starts. I am frequenting High Point Coffee at least once a day and listening to Rayland Baxter on and off.”Cole Putman, senior social work major


Alex Hill

“Buying things, like calculators and stuff I left at home, and getting situated and ready for the new year.” Alex Hill, freshman forensic chemistry major:


Zachery Ragsdale

“I went through my schedule, and then I walked around the campus to see where all the classrooms were, and I kind of got into a routine. And then I went out, and I met some people that were already older students here, and got a good friend group going. That’s how I’m preparing for this year.” Zachery Ragsdale, freshman accounting major