Professors debate uses of technology in classrooms

Posted on Apr 22 2015 - 9:56am by Shelby Nichols


As technology evolves, students and staff are finding more ways to include it in the classroom environment, but not everyone supports the movement.

More than 80 percent of students on college campuses now use mobile devices to study according to McGraw-Hill Education and Hanover Research.

The University of Mississippi is following the trend, with smartphones and tablets being increasingly crucial to the learning atmosphere.

Freshman computer science and Chinese double major Mitchell Edwards said the percentage doesn’t surprise him.

“In this day and age, the Internet is a reality,” Edwards said. “The abilities and resources it offers to students are endless, from troves of information that would be unreachable without information technology to free forums to exchange ideas and to learn from others.”

The department of computer and information sciences’s professor Dawn Wilkins has taught at Ole Miss for 20 years. Wilkins said she likes the idea of using technology in the classroom but knows the risks.

“The primary reason would be cheating,” Wilkins said. “Students are creative and will find ways to manage.”

Wilkins also said she believes that technology can be beneficial.

“For students it’s more about organization and research,” Wilkins said. “Most use the Blackboard app.”

Despite the growing popularity, not every professor is supportive of students using smartphones and other technology in a classroom setting.

History professor John Neff does not allow students to use any form of technology in his classroom. Neff said mobile devices are useful, but not for studying.

“Students are told that electronics will make being a student easier; this is not true,” Neff said. “Being a student always involves hard work, with or without technology. There are no shortcuts.”

Neff said he believes taking notes on a technological device defeats the purpose in certain learning environments.

“Students need to become active listeners, able to discern the structure of what is being presented and then to take notes in such a way that they capture the essence of what is being said,” Neff said.

Clickers are a tool used in different classrooms throughout campus to encourage students to interact by answering questions electronically. In addition to the clicker, students can now use their smartphones instead.

Wilkins said that technology has to be managed in the classroom.

“The question goes to how distracted the student will be using their device,” Wilkins said. “They could play with the clicker on their phone but might also be texting their best friend.”

Neff said he believes most educators aren’t fully prepared for technology in the classroom.

“Educators are rarely knowledgeable about technology to the degree that they can avoid being stampeded into making very bad decisions,” Neff said.

Wilkins argued that the transition into using technology in the classroom can be done with the right amount of effort.

“Some are more willing to put in more creativity and thought to figure out how to use it purposefully,” Wilkins said.

According to Hanover Research’s report, 77 percent of students surveyed said using technology has improved their grades though only 48 percent said using their smartphones saves them time during studying.

Edwards said he wants the technology to continue making its way into the classroom.

“I believe technology opens doors to further learning by offering more information and learning resources than would be available without it,” Edwards said.

Shelby Nichols