Resolution to request removal of flag from campus passes 33-15-1

Posted on Oct 20 2015 - 9:34pm by Lana Ferguson

The Associated Student Body Senate voted to pass Resolution 15-13, which encouraged the removal of the Mississippi state flag from campus at a meeting on Tuesday night.

ASB Attorney General Loden Walker said that now the resolution has passed it will be sent to President Rod Bridges to be signed. If signed, the resolution will be sent to the administration and recognized by the dean of students, vice chancellor of student affairs and the interim chancellor.

“From that point on, it is up to the discretion of the administration whether to act upon the resolution or not,” Walker said. This means that, despite the resolution being approved by the Senate, it still has a long way to go. It is not guaranteed the flag will be removed.

Conversations have been stirring and tensions have been high on the UM campus leading up to the vote, including a pro-resolution NAACP rally that faced opposition from members of the International Keystone Knights last Friday and Confederate flag supporters gathering in the Circle Tuesday.

-Lana Ferguson